Many thanks for another great issue!
Don't know if this is the right place for this, but I have some additional comments/corrections to the review of the upcoming box: (based on the circulating vinyl rip)
Astro Man (Take 14) is the same recording as Astro Man (3) Jam, but with a longer intro and faded early.
Drifting (Take 1) sounds like Drifting (3), but with vocals.
Earth Blues (Alternate Mix) - surely Mitch on drums (if it's him on Rainbow Bridge).
Bolero / Hey Baby was of course also on WCSB in a later mix. And here in the new box the guitar on Hey Baby goes to the centre of the mix after the phrase "Where do you coming from".
I'm really looking forward to the CD box, as it will likely be better sounding than this vinyl rip.